This is a simple text example. You can use any other formats (HTML, LaTeX/PDF, etc.) if you prefer, having in mind that this list should be easy to read and edit. Replace the '...' with actual text entries. On the first pass we could focus on major issues only, and return for a second pass after fixing these. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Status of validation plots produced by Step 2 (pass 1): CHANTIMuonEfficiency.pdf (32 pages) page 1: "Cummulative Efficiency X" - empty! page 2: "Cummulative Efficiency Y" - empty! page 3: "Cumulative Efficiency High Threshold X" - empty! page 4: "Cumulative Efficiency High Threshold Y" - empty! pages 5-8: blank, except for a legend! page 9: "Efficiency X 1 SliceStart 15_SliceEnd120_VSBurstID" - empty! ... CHANTIRandomVeto.pdf (16 pages) page 1: "Fraction of events vetoed in +-3ns window (single hit config)" - OK page 2: ... ... CHANTIRate.pdf ... CHODEfficiency.pdf ... CedarEfficiency.pdf (10 pages) page 1-10: all plots OK DetectorOnOffMonitor.pdf ... GigaTrackerDataQualityMonitor.pdf HACDataQualityMonitor.pdf (1 page) page 1: blank/empty! K2piSelection.pdf (3 pages) page 1: 4 plots, all OK page 2: 2 plots, all OK page 3: 4 plots, all OK K3piSelection.pdf Ke3Selection.pdf Kmu2Selection.pdf L0CaloCalibration.pdf L0TriggerResponse.pdf LevelOnePerformance.pdf LKr-BadCells.pdf LKrEopMonitor.pdf LKrFineCalibrationAsymm1.pdf MUV12DataQualityReport.pdf MUV3Efficiency.pdf NewCHODEfficiency.pdf NumberOfHitsMonitor.pdf RICHMonitor.pdf Run8094GTKTimeReso.pdf SAVEfficiency.pdf SpectrometerDataQualityMonitor.pdf SpectrometerEfficiency.pdf