The other files need to be downloaded. The first thing to do is to put it in a directory and run root and say .x runFP and it should run and produce plots There is a variety of single plot files. In addition to this, you are asked to type in a title for the summary .ps file and you must exit from the automatic ghostview to terminate the program. Description of files: FPTrack.h and FPTrack.C - the code LHCB1IR1.tfs LHCB1IR5.tfs LHCB2IR1.tfs LHCB2IR5.tfs - optics files p1p2data - Exhume events FPData.txt - control cards + description runFP - the root run script RTYP=3 in the control cards runs over the data file and is probably what you want for now since the other options are really for calibration studies etc. The output is made available in the routines Output and Statistics, where at present various histograms are filled and some acceptances prepared. Also single histogram files are prepared in Drawhist2. You will need to edit these to output what you want how you want it. Feb 2008 - I have now added a facility controlled by the EDGE parameter to allow extra dead detector material between the silicon active edge and the beam. This dead material absorbs protons but otherwise does nothing. Let me know of difficulties etc Peter --