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gStyle->SetFrameLineWidth ( 2); gStyle->SetFrameBorderSize(10); gStyle->SetFrameBorderMode(0); gStyle->SetTitleColor(1); gStyle->SetTitleBorderSize(0); gStyle->SetTitleOffset(0.75); gStyle->SetTitleSize(0.05); gStyle->SetTitleStyle(3016); gStyle->SetTitleSize (0.055,"X"); gStyle->SetTitleOffset(1.000,"X"); gStyle->SetLabelOffset(0.004,"X"); gStyle->SetLabelSize (0.050,"X"); gStyle->SetLabelFont (62 ,"X"); gStyle->SetStripDecimals(kFALSE); gStyle->SetTitleSize (0.055,"Y"); gStyle->SetTitleOffset(1.000,"Y"); gStyle->SetLabelOffset(0.006,"Y"); gStyle->SetLabelSize (0.050,"Y"); gStyle->SetLabelFont (62 ,"Y"); gStyle->SetTextSize (0.055); gStyle->SetTextFont (62); //gStyle->SetTitleFillColor(2); //--- requires a very recent ROOT version // gROOT->SetStyle("gStyle"); // gROOT->ForceStyle(); page2->SetFillColor(0); page2->Divide(1,1,0.005,0.005); page2->UseCurrentStyle(); TLatex tex1; tex1.SetTextAlign(11);tex1.SetTextSize(0.05); tex1.SetTextColor(1) ; TLatex tex2; tex2.SetTextAlign(11); tex2.SetTextSize(0.05); tex2.SetTextColor(2) ; TLatex tex3; tex3.SetTextAlign(11); tex3.SetTextSize(0.05); tex3.SetTextColor(6) ; TLatex tex4; tex4.SetTextAlign(11); tex4.SetTextSize(0.05); tex4.SetTextColor(8) ; TLatex tex5; tex5.SetTextAlign(11); tex5.SetTextSize(0.05); tex5.SetTextColor(4) ; Int_t n=16, nn=2 ; // Data for 3mm/5mm silicon, IP1 Double_t mass[16]={48, 60, 72, 84, 96, 108, 120, 132, 144, 156, 168, 180, 192, 204, 216, 228}; Double_t mass8[8]={144, 156, 168, 180, 192, 204, 216, 228}; Double_t mass5[11]={108, 120, 132, 144, 156, 168, 180, 192, 204, 216, 228}; Double_t a44_IP1[16]={0.0659, 0.189, 0.2891, 0.369, 0.404, 0.3456, 0.2867, 0.2343, 0.1864, 0.1415, 0.1027, 0.0643, 0.0271, 0.0008, 0, 0}; Double_t a42_IP1[16]={0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005, 0.0298, 0.0848, 0.1568, 0.2298, 0.2988, 0.3637, 0.4191, 0.4729, 0.5207, 0.5631}; // from formula Double_t dm42_IP1[11]={2.20483, 2.26573, 2.25168, 2.2424, 2.24214, 2.24871, 2.26024, 2.28407, 2.29972, 2.31994, 2.34775}; //Double_t dm42_IP1[16]={2.20483, 2.26573, 2.25168, 2.2424, 2.24214, 2.24871, 2.26024, 2.28407, 2.29972, 2.31994, 2.34775}; Double_t dm44_IP1[16]={1.11125, 1.14958, 1.20978, 1.27479, 1.30107, 1.24754, 1.20211, 1.16808, 1.14343, 1.12599, 1.1153, 1.10821, 1.10422, 1.10347, 0, 0}; // No smearings Double_t sigma_M44_IP10[16]={0.127524, 0.174105, 0.187848, 0.189494, 0.201486, 0.212378, 0.207619, 0.18975, 0.17927, 0.176062, 0.20112, 0.250811, 0.32493, 0.254797, 0, 0}; //Double_t sigma_M42_IP10[16]={0, 0, 0, 0, 1.8259e-09, 5.22184, 0.135331, 0.172601, 0.213355, 0.258639, 0.284356, 0.296647, 0.299232, 0.298751, 0.289421, 0.286455}; Double_t sigma_M42_IP10[8]={ 0.213355, 0.258639, 0.284356, 0.296647, 0.299232, 0.298751, 0.289421, 0.286455}; // Just beam smearing Double_t sigma_M44_IP1p[16]={1.12719, 1.13991, 1.20439, 1.29014, 1.28963, 1.25941, 1.20579, 1.18368, 1.16558, 1.11354, 1.1089, 1.07756, 1.1409, 3.29558, 0,0}; Double_t sigma_M42_IP1p[8]={2.30169, 2.25504, 2.16773, 2.17215, 2.18432, 2.18007, 2.11578, 2.15562}; // Add in the beam spot x Double_t sigma_M44_IP1bx[16]={3.35135, 2.97872, 2.76568, 2.67104, 2.41847, 2.14808, 1.85351, 1.70561, 1.62611, 1.42933, 1.4117, 1.37172, 1.3395, 2.84945, 0, 0}; Double_t sigma_M42_IP1bx[8]={3.90818, 3.61228, 3.15086, 2.9922, 2.789, 2.68802, 2.65799, 2.50918}; //add in 10 mu in dx Double_t sigma_M44_IP1sx[16]={3.3523, 2.88585, 2.79154, 2.52122, 2.42638, 2.10867, 1.86112, 1.76372, 1.59739, 1.4745, 1.40118, 1.33212, 1.47173, 6.40385,0,0}; Double_t sigma_M42_IP1sx[8]={3.91936, 3.51238, 3.22039, 3.03992, 2.78237, 2.76611, 2.63077, 2.57281}; // add in 1 murad in angle Double_t sigma_M44_IP1a1[16]={3.73228, 3.27654, 2.97747, 2.89144, 2.77288, 2.38493, 1.99831, 1.87398, 1.70982, 1.50291, 1.39775, 1.41938, 1.36923, 3.2402, 0, 0}; Double_t sigma_M42_IP1a1[8]={4.90148, 4.21317, 4.0556, 3.55351, 3.48669, 3.28175, 3.06737, 3.00999}; Double_t sigma_mall_IP1a1[16]={3.73228, 3.27654, 2.97747, 2.89144, 2.77288, 2.41171, 2.092, 2.26041, 2.57606, 2.81492, 3.10137, 3.09097, 3.29942, 3.27686, 3.06737, 3.00999}; // add in 2 murad in angle Double_t sigma_M44_IP1a2[16]={4.24306, 3.98535, 3.76934, 3.57593, 3.42702, 2.82865, 2.4306, 2.18831, 1.97235, 1.67816, 1.5547, 1.57582, 1.52079, 3.25951, 0, 0}; Double_t sigma_M42_IP1a2[8]={6.34762, 5.39738, 5.22483, 4.86471, 4.73401, 4.43894, 4.17097, 4.20932}; Double_t sigma_mall_IP1a2[16]={4.24306, 3.98535, 3.76934, 3.57593, 3.42702, 2.85176, 2.56208, 2.64973, 2.92825, 3.57751, 4.09145, 4.24124, 4.50778, 4.43295, 4.17097, 4.20932}; //----------Data for 3/5 mm silicon, IP5 Double_t a44_IP5[16]={0.0671, 0.191, 0.2866, 0.37, 0.4019, 0.3445, 0.2848, 0.2336, 0.1827, 0.1401, 0.0996, 0.0628, 0.0262, 0.0008, 0, 0}; Double_t a42_IP5[16]={0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0015, 0.0072, 0.0259, 0.0627, 0.1092, 0.1619, 0.215, 0.2604, 0.3083, 0.3522}; //fitting error Double_t sigma_M44_IP50[16]={0.139332, 0.178444, 0.19416, 0.215346, 0.231509, 0.247017, 0.265902, 0.308152, 0.338949, 0.384987, 0.425183, 0.494681, 0.543746, 0.254797, 0, 0}; Double_t sigma_M42_IP50[8]={0.236851, 0.234909, 0.238276, 0.266369, 0.291937, 0.32113, 0.369144, 0.413801}; //add in beam smearing Double_t sigma_M44_IP5p[16]={1.13408, 1.14344, 1.20489, 1.27845, 1.30313, 1.27176, 1.22339, 1.21577, 1.21873, 1.15874, 1.16099, 1.14953, 1.17251, 13.265, 0, 0}; Double_t sigma_M42_IP5p[8]={2.85896, 2.58477, 2.53241, 2.59944, 2.58475, 2.62972, 2.54581, 2.62682}; Double_t dm42_IP5[8]={2.64464, 2.63807, 2.64357, 2.65785, 2.68036, 2.69199, 2.7029, 2.73256}; Double_t dm44_IP5[16]={1.11354, 1.15075, 1.20869, 1.27769, 1.29932, 1.2451, 1.1988, 1.16577, 1.14045, 1.12453, 1.11354, 1.10654, 1.10303, 1.10284, 0, 0}; // add in beamspot x smearing Double_t sigma_M44_IP5bx[16]={2.86462, 2.56345, 2.39519, 2.30902, 2.18307, 1.97095, 1.71718, 1.57469, 1.56861, 1.42776, 1.4065, 1.39896, 1.46749, 3.17278, 0 }; Double_t sigma_M42_IP5bx[8]={7.17185, 4.3789, 3.71417, 3.96234, 3.64483, 3.55977, 3.29362, 3.24853}; // add in 10 mu in position Double_t sigma_M44_IP5sx[16]={2.9707, 2.56229, 2.49777, 2.31919, 2.17655, 1.90657, 1.72789, 1.61311, 1.55977, 1.40414, 1.40511, 1.38308, 1.3891, 11.099, 0, 0}; Double_t sigma_M42_IP5sx[8]={ 6.88825, 4.4226, 4.27658, 3.84444, 3.65152, 3.50758, 3.39482, 3.26448}; // add in 1 murad in angle Double_t sigma_M44_IP5a1[16]={3.34569, 2.80826, 2.65529, 2.61598, 2.44181, 2.0954, 1.84696, 1.63967, 1.56919, 1.51624, 1.42851, 1.44023, 1.46558, 12.2376, 0, 0}; Double_t sigma_M42_IP5a1[8]={8.51453, 5.73868, 4.89086, 4.50764, 4.29587, 4.20145, 4.12816, 3.96796}; Double_t sigma_mall_IP5a1[16]={3.34569, 2.80826, 2.65529, 2.61598, 2.44181, 2.0954, 1.85426, 1.66179, 1.70717, 1.91972, 2.45366, 3.4093, 3.95114, 4.19462, 4.12816, 3.96796}; // add in 2 murad in angle Double_t sigma_M44_IP5a2[16]={4.03144, 3.43499, 3.2649, 3.13467, 2.9197, 2.47679, 2.13467, 1.86779, 1.76716, 1.66804, 1.58085, 1.50834, 1.51969, 14.2492, 0, 0}; Double_t sigma_M42_IP5a2[8]={ 12.4388, 7.67377, 6.54295, 5.86043, 5.67584, 5.62913, 5.39886, 5.30779}; Double_t sigma_mall_IP5a2[16]={4.03144, 3.43499, 3.2649, 3.13467, 2.9197, 2.47679, 2.14098, 1.88772, 1.86356, 2.06623, 2.55434, 4.60228, 5.24812, 5.62039, 5.39886, 5.30779}; TGraph *gr1 = new TGraph(n, mass, sigma_mall_IP1a2) ; TGraph *gr1a = new TGraph(n, mass, sigma_mall_IP1a1) ; TGraph *gr2a = new TGraph(8, mass8, sigma_M42_IP1a2) ; TGraph *gr2 = new TGraph(8, mass8, sigma_M42_IP1a1) ; TGraph *gr3 = new TGraph(8, mass8, sigma_M42_IP1sx) ; TGraph *gr4 = new TGraph(8, mass8, sigma_M42_IP1bx) ; TGraph *gr5 = new TGraph(8, mass8, sigma_M42_IP1p) ; TGraph *gr6 = new TGraph(8, mass8, sigma_M42_IP10) ; TGraph *gr7 = new TGraph(11, mass5, dm42_IP1) ; TGraph *gr12a = new TGraph(12, mass, sigma_M44_IP1a2) ; TGraph *gr12 = new TGraph(12, mass, sigma_M44_IP1a1) ; TGraph *gr13 = new TGraph(12, mass, sigma_M44_IP1sx) ; TGraph *gr14 = new TGraph(12, mass, sigma_M44_IP1bx) ; TGraph *gr15 = new TGraph(12, mass, sigma_M44_IP1p) ; TGraph *gr16 = new TGraph(12, mass, sigma_M44_IP10) ; TGraph *gr17 = new TGraph(12, mass, dm44_IP1) ; TGraph *gr21= new TGraph(n, mass, sigma_mall_IP5a2) ; TGraph *gr21a= new TGraph(n, mass, sigma_mall_IP5a1) ; TGraph *gr22a = new TGraph(8, mass8, sigma_M42_IP5a2) ; TGraph *gr22 = new TGraph(8, mass8, sigma_M42_IP5a1) ; TGraph *gr23 = new TGraph(8, mass8, sigma_M42_IP5sx) ; TGraph *gr24 = new TGraph(8, mass8, sigma_M42_IP5bx) ; TGraph *gr25 = new TGraph(8, mass8, sigma_M42_IP5p) ; TGraph *gr26 = new TGraph(8, mass8, sigma_M42_IP50) ; TGraph *gr27 = new TGraph(8, mass8, dm42_IP5) ; TGraph *gr32a = new TGraph(12, mass, sigma_M44_IP5a2) ; TGraph *gr32 = new TGraph(12, mass, sigma_M44_IP5a1) ; TGraph *gr33 = new TGraph(12, mass, sigma_M44_IP5sx) ; TGraph *gr34 = new TGraph(12, mass, sigma_M44_IP5bx) ; TGraph *gr35 = new TGraph(12, mass, sigma_M44_IP5p) ; TGraph *gr36 = new TGraph(12, mass, sigma_M44_IP50) ; TGraph *gr37 = new TGraph(12, mass, dm44_IP5) ; TGraph *ga445 = new TGraph(16, mass, a44_IP5) ; TGraph *ga441 = new TGraph(16, mass, a44_IP1) ; TGraph *ga425 = new TGraph(16, mass, a42_IP5) ; TGraph *ga421 = new TGraph(16, mass, a42_IP1) ; page2->cd(1) ; gr1->SetMinimum(0.); gr1->SetMaximum(7.); gr1->SetTitle("IP1. Silicon 3mm and 5mm from the beam. 220+420"); gr1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Mass Resolution GeV "); gr1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Mass of Higgs (GeV)"); gr1->SetLineWidth(4); gr1->SetLineColor(1); gr1a->SetLineWidth(4); gr1a->SetLineColor(1); gr2->SetLineWidth(3); gr2->SetLineColor(15); gr2a->SetLineWidth(3); gr2a->SetLineColor(34); gr3->SetLineWidth(3); gr3->SetLineColor(2); gr4->SetLineWidth(3); gr4->SetLineColor(3); gr5->SetLineWidth(3); gr5->SetLineColor(4); gr6->SetLineWidth(3); gr6->SetLineColor(8); gr7->SetLineWidth(3); gr7->SetLineColor(6); gr1->Draw("AL"); gr1a->Draw("LP"); gr4->Draw("LP"); gr2->Draw("LP"); gr2a->Draw("LP"); gr3->Draw("LP"); gr5->Draw("LP"); gr6->Draw("LP"); gr7->Draw("LP"); //tex1.DrawLatex(40. ,0.62," 420+420 "); //tex2.DrawLatex(140. ,0.62," IP1: 420+220 "); //tex3.DrawLatex(140. ,0.56," IP5: 420+220 "); page2->Update(); page2->Print("sigmamIP142.eps"); page2->Clear() ; page2->cd(1) ; gr1->SetTitle("IP1. Silicon 3mm and 5mm from the beam. 420+420"); gr12->SetLineWidth(3); gr12->SetLineColor(15); gr12a->SetLineWidth(3); gr12a->SetLineColor(34); gr13->SetLineWidth(3); gr13->SetLineColor(2); gr14->SetLineWidth(3); gr14->SetLineColor(3); gr15->SetLineWidth(3); gr15->SetLineColor(4); gr16->SetLineWidth(3); gr16->SetLineColor(8); gr17->SetLineWidth(3); gr17->SetLineColor(6); gr1->Draw("AL"); gr1a->Draw("LP"); gr14->Draw("LP"); gr12->Draw("LP"); gr12a->Draw("LP"); gr13->Draw("LP"); gr15->Draw("LP"); gr16->Draw("LP"); gr17->Draw("LP"); //tex1.DrawLatex(40. ,0.62," 420+420 "); //tex2.DrawLatex(140. ,0.62," IP1: 420+220 "); //tex3.DrawLatex(140. ,0.56," IP5: 420+220 "); page2->Update(); page2->Print("sigmamIP144.eps"); page2->Clear(); page2->cd(1) ; gr21->SetMinimum(0.); gr21->SetMaximum(10.); gr21->SetTitle("IP5. Silicon 3mm and 5mm from the beam. 220+420"); gr21->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Mass Resolution GeV "); gr21->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Mass of Higgs (GeV)"); gr21->SetLineWidth(4); gr21->SetLineColor(1); gr21a->SetLineWidth(4); gr21a->SetLineColor(1); gr22->SetLineWidth(3); gr22->SetLineColor(15); gr22a->SetLineWidth(3); gr22a->SetLineColor(34); gr23->SetLineWidth(3); gr23->SetLineColor(2); gr24->SetLineWidth(3); gr24->SetLineColor(3); gr25->SetLineWidth(3); gr25->SetLineColor(4); gr26->SetLineWidth(3); gr26->SetLineColor(8); gr27->SetLineWidth(3); gr27->SetLineColor(6); gr21->Draw("AL"); gr21a->Draw("LP"); gr24->Draw("LP"); gr22->Draw("LP"); gr22a->Draw("LP"); gr23->Draw("LP"); gr25->Draw("LP"); gr26->Draw("LP"); gr27->Draw("LP"); //tex1.DrawLatex(40. ,0.62," 420+420 "); //tex2.DrawLatex(140. ,0.62," IP1: 420+220 "); //tex3.DrawLatex(140. ,0.56," IP5: 420+220 "); page2->Update(); page2->Print("sigmamIP542.eps"); page2->Clear() ; page2->cd(1) ; gr21->SetMaximum(7.); gr21->SetTitle("IP5. Silicon 3mm and 5mm from the beam. 420+420"); gr21->SetLineWidth(4); gr21->SetLineColor(1); gr32->SetLineWidth(3); gr32->SetLineColor(15); gr32a->SetLineWidth(3); gr32a->SetLineColor(34); gr33->SetLineWidth(3); gr33->SetLineColor(2); gr34->SetLineWidth(3); gr34->SetLineColor(3); gr35->SetLineWidth(3); gr35->SetLineColor(4); gr36->SetLineWidth(3); gr36->SetLineColor(8); gr37->SetLineWidth(3); gr37->SetLineColor(6); gr21->Draw("AL"); gr21a->Draw("LP"); gr34->Draw("LP"); gr32->Draw("LP"); gr32a->Draw("LP"); gr33->Draw("LP"); gr35->Draw("LP"); gr36->Draw("LP"); gr37->Draw("LP"); //tex1.DrawLatex(40. ,0.62," 420+420 "); //tex2.DrawLatex(140. ,0.62," IP1: 420+220 "); //tex3.DrawLatex(140. ,0.56," IP5: 420+220 "); page2->Update(); page2->Print("sigmamIP544.eps"); page2->Clear(); page2->cd(1) ; ga421->SetMinimum(0.); ga421->SetMaximum(0.7); ga421->SetTitle("Silicon 3mm and 5mm from the beam. Acceptances"); ga421->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Acceptance "); ga421->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Mass of Higgs (GeV)"); ga421->SetLineWidth(4); ga421->SetLineColor(2); ga425->SetLineWidth(3); ga425->SetLineColor(6); ga441->SetLineWidth(3); ga441->SetLineColor(4); ga445->SetLineWidth(3); ga445->SetLineColor(1); ga421->Draw("AL"); ga425->Draw("LP"); ga441->Draw("LP"); ga445->Draw("LP"); tex1.DrawLatex(40. ,0.62," 420+420 "); tex2.DrawLatex(140. ,0.62," IP1: 420+220 "); tex3.DrawLatex(140. ,0.56," IP5: 420+220 "); page2->Update(); page2->Print("Accepjul06.eps"); }