Hi Paul, I have a dir called ~/public_html/ATLAS-FLAT/ This is where I have my web pages for the flat booking I needed to run chmod 777 on this dir to allow the scripts to write on it. I suggest you make something similar e.g. ~/public_html/LHCB-FLAT/ This will help keep things simple The scripts etc for making the flat booking pages are in a dir called /ppe_data/sv006/home/kennedy/FLAT-BOOKING There is a readme but it isn't much cop Basically it is broken down into 3 parts 1) webpages (to make the web pages) There are a few scripts to look at a) make-2003 b) make-web.ksh c) generate_month.plx They are basically scripts that sit on top of each other you will need to edit make-web.ksh and generate_month.plx you need to change the dirs in make-web.ksh to yours generate_month.plx makes the web pages you will need to look at this script and edit the part containing the web page in it edit the list on options for and