* JAN08-Stage0.in January 29, 2008; TJR # Upstream beam line April 9th, 2014; JN # # The follwing resources were used to describe the geometry in this # deck: # MICE Note 216 # MICE Beam line paper 2012 # # If you have any comments regarding this deck please contact: # j.nugent.1@research.gla.ac.uk # # This file is intended to be included from the specific input file; # this file does not define parameters that vary with beam momentum # or emittance. # # Command-line parameters (optional - default as follows): # first=0 Protons=6900 viewer=none # # include default_values include $WRKDIR/defaults/default_values.in # HistoScope filename from first event # param histoFile=$first.root histoUpdate=1000000000 FIRST=$first physics QGSP_BIC doStochastics=$STOCHASTICS trackcuts keep=$keep kineticEnergyCut=5 maxTime=100000000 if "($C 1)==+1" particlecolor proton=1,0,0 pi+=0,1,0 mu+=0,0,1 plus=1,0,1 minus=1,1,0 \ neutral=0,1,1 reference=1,1,1 else particlecolor proton=1,0,0 pi-=0,1,0 mu-=0,0,1 plus=1,0,1 minus=1,1,0 \ neutral=0,1,1 reference=1,1,1 endif # include Materials include $WRKDIR/defaults/materials.in # The MICE TargetBox -- assumed a cube, not actual size but correct along # MICE beamline; assumed normal to MICE beam, not actual orientation, but # correct for the window; ignore rounded corners of window. # Window for MICE beam is 2 mm of SS304. include $WRKDIR/defaults/mice_tgt_box.in # The MICE magnets include $WRKDIR/defaults/magnets.in # The Beamline Vacuum Components include $WRKDIR/defaults/vacuum.in # The PID detectors include $WRKDIR/defaults/pid.in ### ### Lay out the beamline ### # reference particle for tuning B1 #reference referenceMomentum=$piMomentumRef particle=proton beamZ=0 reference referenceMomentum=$piMomentumRef particle=pi$C beamZ=0 #tune B1Field z0=3500 z1=9595 initial=$B1 step=0.01 maxIter=100 expr="Px1/Pz1" \ tolerance=0.000001 ### ### beam - TargetModel for positives ### NOTE: set Protons to determine the # events, and particle params for content ### param positives=1 randomseed Now $random_seed include $WRKDIR/TargetModel/beam_secondaries.in #beam rectangular particle=211 firstEvent=$first lastEvent=$last beamHeight=50 beamWidth=50 \ meanMomentum=$piMomentumRef # test - point beam #beam gaussian particle=proton meanMomentum=$piMomentumRef \ # firstEvent=$first lastEvent=$last sigmaXp=$sigmaXp sigmaYp=$sigmaYp \ # beamZ=0 ###beam gaussian sigmaX=-2.55 sigmaY=-1.0 sigmaXp=-0.033 sigmaYp=-0.014 \ ### particle=pi+ meanMomentum=$piMomentumRef sigmaP=15.0 \ ### firstEvent=$first lastEvent=$last \ ### beamZ=0 place TargetBox z=0 y=-427 rotation=X-2.98 place vacuumWindow z=239.4 y=-427 rotation=X-2.98 place TargetShield z=250 y=-427 rotation=X-2.98 #place TargetDet2 z=1000 parent=vacuum1 place vacuum1 z=1391.5 y=-354.56 rotation=X-2.98 place pipe1 z=1391.5 y=-354.56 rotation=X-2.98 #place Q1Det z=2542.25 rename=Q1USDet place QuadTypeIV rename=Q1 gradient=$q_1 z=3000 y=-267.57 rotation=X-2.98 #place DummyDet z=3200. rename=Dum3 #place Q1Det z=3457.5 rename=Q1DSDet place vacuum2 z=3700 y=-234.37 rotation=X-2.98 place pipe2 z=3700 y=-234.37 rotation=X-2.98 place QuadTypeIV rename=Q2 gradient=$q_2 z=4400 ironColor=0,0,.6 y=-193.165 rotation=X-2.98 place vacuum2 z=5100 y=-161.51 rotation=X-2.98 place pipe2 z=5100 y=-161.51 rotation=X-2.98 place QuadTypeIV rename=Q3 gradient=$q_3 z=5800 y=-118.765 rotation=X-2.98 place vacuum3 z=7078.5 y=-58.51 rotation=X-2.98 place BendTypeI6inIron rename=B1 z=7979.1 x=200 rotation=Y30,X-2.98 By=0 y=-12.23\ fieldMaterial=$USAirOrVacuum place TypeI6inTaperedField z=7979.1 x=200 rotation=Y30,X-2.98 y=-12.23 \ current=$d_1 cornerarc z=7495.28 angle=60 centerRadius=1038 radiusCut=1000 ############place Foil z=8720 //virtualdetector AfterB1Det length=.01 height=500 width=500 //place AfterB1Det z=8718 place vacuumWindow z=9641.7 ############place Counter rename=Count1 z=9545.45 ############place vacuumWindow z=9595.45 place DecaySolenoid z=12210.7 place vacuumWindow z=14779.7 # Proton Absorber if "$protonabsorberin==1" material protonabsorber polyethylene,0.8390061049 B,0.05 O,0.1109938951 density=1.035 box ProtonAbsorber width=400 height=400 length=$proton_absorber_thickness material=protonabsorber \ color=1,0,1 place ProtonAbsorber z=14880 endif #first Geneva Counter place GenevaBeamCounter rename=GVA1 z=15050 # reference particle for tuning B2 and RF # omit if pi = mu momentum (so pi is tuned to the end) #if $piMomentumRef!=$muMomentumRef #reference referenceMomentum=$muMomentumRef particle=mu$C beamZ=12164.7 #tune B2Field z0=12370 z1=17053 initial=$B2 step=0.002 \ start="PDGid0==-13" expr="Px1/Pz1" tolerance=0.000001 ###start="PDGid0==-($C 13)" #else #tune B2Field z0=12370 z1=17053 initial=$B2 step=0.002 \ expr="Px1/Pz1" tolerance=0.000001 #endif #zntuple z=15050 format=ascii file=G4BLoutput.txt #ntuple TriggerParticles category=NTuples detectors=* #place BendTypeI6inIron rename=B2 z=15808.1 x=100 rotation=Y15 By=0 \ fieldMaterial=Air #place TypeI6inTaperedField z=15808.1 x=100 rotation=Y15 \ current=$B2 #cornerarc z=15298.3 angle=30 centerRadius=2005.2 radiusCut=1000 #place BeamMonitor rename=BM1 z=16992 #zntuple z=15050 format=asciiExtended file=maus_beam_output.txt place BendTypeI6inIron rename=B2 z=15808.1 x=100 rotation=Y15 By=0 \ fieldMaterial=Air place TypeI6inTaperedField z=15808.1 x=100 rotation=Y15 \ current=$d_2 cornerarc z=15298.3 angle=30 centerRadius=2005.2 radiusCut=1000 zntuple z=16808.1 format=asciiextended file=G4BLoutput.txt