NA62FW Installation Howto

Please make sure you insert the correct paths on your system

cd /your/favourite/work/directory
git clone ssh:// --recursive
cd na62fw/NA62MC
source scripts/
cd ../NA62Tools/
make -j4
cd ../NA62MC/
make -j4
source scripts/
cd ../NA62Reconstruction
source scripts/
make -j4
cd ../NA62Analysis
source scripts/
make -j4 BUILD_STD=1

That's it! You can check the installation with

which PostProcessing

More detailed installation instructions and further options can be found here.

N.B.: For quick testing, you do not have to install the packages and use instead a pre-installed NA62FW version from CVMFS

source /cvmfs/

However, in this case you will not be able to change the list of analysers included.