Dr. Dan Protopopescu PhD BSc BEng MInstP

School of Physics & Astronomy
Kelvin Building, Room 483,
University of Glasgow,
Glasgow G12 8QQ, Scotland, UK
Tel: +44(0) 141 330-4197
Fax: +44(0) 141 330-5881
Main Projects
- GridPP → NA62 Grid
- NA62 → PPE NA62 Team → local wiki
- LCC: SiD and CLIC → PPE LC Team → local wiki
Interdisciplinary collaborations
Other Collaborations
- PIENU Collaboration at TRIUMF, Canada (2012-2016), see local wiki
- Hall A Collaboration at Jefferson Lab, Newport News, USA (2003-2011)
- Hall B/CLAS Collaboration at Jefferson Lab, Newport News, USA (2000-2013)
- CLAS12 Collaboration at Jefferson Lab, Newport News, USA (2005-2012)
- PANDA at FAIR/GSI Darmstadt, Germany (2004-2012)
- A2/GDH collaboration at MAMI, Mainz, Germany (2003-2011)
Participated in the HERMES experiment, DESY, Hamburg in 2005-2006. Member of Hall D/GlueX Collaboration, Jefferson Lab, Newport News, VA in 2003-2010. Follow this link for a more detailed list of past projects.
- h-index: 82
- A list of publications can be found on: GU Enlighten or Google Scholar
- Inspire ID: INSPIRE-00059970
- ORCID-ID: 0000-0002-8047-6513
- ResearcherID: D-5645-2012
- Quantum Mechanics (2012)
- Nuclear and Particle Physics (2012)
- Frontiers of Physics - Nuclear Energy / F3/F4 (2011)
- Honours Labs / P3 (2004-2025)
- P2 and 3HN Supervisions (2012-2013) → moodle
- Projects:
Synthetic data generation (2021-22)
MC Validation Tools (2020)
SiD Model and Simulations (2016-2019)
Rare meson decays with NA62 (2015)
Higgs production studies for ILC/CLIC (co-Supervisor) (2012-2019)
Undergraduate Projects (2005-2025)
- NA62 Grid Production Management System (2013-2025)
- Data Quality Monitoring Tools (2020-2024)
- NA62 MC Validation Tools (2020-2024)
- PPE Room Booking System (2020-2023)
- CLAS Shifts Schedule and Productivity Management Tools (docu, 2012)
- PANDA/A2/WASA/etc. eLog (2010)
- HERMES runlog and HRD Event Display (2005)
Professional Memberships
Other Associations
- Convener of the SiD Detector Optimization group (2019-2022)
- Director of the PANDA Grid Project (2004-2011)
- Chair of the Detector Controls System (DCS) group in PANDA (2007-2012)
- Member of the PANDA Technical Board (2009-2012)
- Manager of the STFC-PANDA Project (2009-2011)
- Portal admin for NuPECC (2009-2019)
- CLAS Shifts Coordinator (2007-2012)
- Member of the PANDA Computing Committee (2009-2012)
- Member of the CLAS Service Work Committee (2009-2012)
- Member of the School's Social Committee (2018-2021)