Overlay Channels Production

The overlay components are added to the MC at reconstruction level. For this, reco needs four types of files, like a static library of overlay events. Three of the four overlay components are produced with NA62FW, while the forth component, the muon halo, is produced with the G4BL or BDSim utilities. The overlay is important for the MC validation.


Job management and bookkeeping for the muon halo overlay component; running at CERN or on the Grid. Discussed task with Karim and Simone on 27/05, received details below on 24/06, and further clarifications on 30/06.

Original setup

Jobs running on Condor at CERN:

The GitLab project is at https://gitlab.cern.ch/NA62FW/na62g4bl

Grid Implementation for G4BL (2020)

27/06: G4BL code added to CVMFS by Karim, in /cvmfs/na62.cern.ch/offline/NA62FW/.
01/07: Integrated G4BL into the existing grid production machinery. Preliminary G4BL test jobs can be found here.
02/07: First muon halo production started, 50M POT MuHalo-1, outputs saved to /eos/experiment/na62/data/offline/grid/mc/g4bl/v0.0.3/MuHalo-1/ (finished 03/07).


Grid Implementation for BDSim (2021)

11/01: Integrated BDSim into the existing grid production machinery. Test jobs here.
14/01: BDSim system fully benchmarked and ready to go. First BDSim test round is here.


✅ All future Muon Halo production rounds will be visible via the NA62 Grid UI, with outputs going to /eos/experiment/na62/data/offline/grid/mc/g4bl or /eos/experiment/na62/data/offline/grid/mc/bdsim