Car parking

The area around the flat is now a blue zone. Parking is restricted and you could be fined.
General rules:

Must post on the dash the 'blue disk' indicating the arrival time, and don't park more than the allowed time. Please read the material in the flat if you need more details, or if you want to know how to apply for a permit (aka 'macaron').

Parking in front of the flat in the fire access road is forbidden and cars will be towed.
Parking spaces must be kept clear and anything in a parking space (other than a vehicle) will be removed.

There is a key that opens the gate to the underground parking that you have to use at the level of the car window when you drive in. So, you don't need to get out of your car (if it's not a right hand drive car) to use the key. And on the way out, the gate opens automatically.