
Comparison of 4C fits to K+ -> pi+ pi0 , pi0 -> gamma gamma for  DATA Run 6646 and MC.


These are energy-momentum constrained least squares fits  to the beam and spectrometer tracks
plus two gammas measured in the LKr. 

The fits were made using Blobel's APLCON for 12 parameters
subject to 4 constraints.  See   APLCON
and   talk with examples of use .

Giuseppe's  K2pi selection  code, with small modifications,  was used to provide
input for the fits.

The fit parameters were momentum,  dx/dz and dy/dz for the four measured particles.  
Initially,  the covariance matrix was taken to be diagonal with error estimates  from
arXiv:1703.0850 and NIM A 574 (2007) 433.
Subsequently for  both data and MC, the errors have been adjusted to get the rms of the 
pulls within ~10% of unity.

The object was to examine the chi**2 and pulls of the fit to both data and MC 
to check consistency with the K2pi channel, check the error estimates, identify  systematic errors,
and  determine  the influence of the fit on the  measurement accuracy of the
tracks and missing mass.


Figs Fig. 1A ( 20  plots )  and Fig. 1B ( 20  plots ) show histograms of the distributions of results of the fits
for data and MC, respectively.

Plot 1 shows that for data and MC the width of  missing mass distribution to the K+pi+ system 
is reduced by about a factor four as a result of the fit;  similarly, Plot 2 shows a 
reduction of a factor 2 in the gamma-gamma mass. The widths of the fitted masses 
agree within 7%  for the data and MC.

The CDA, Plot3, is not significantly influenced by the fit. The data and MC differ
in width by about 10%.

Plot 4 shows the chi**2 and probability of the fits. Both data and MC 
show a significant tail to the chi**2 distribution  which is also evident
as a peak at low probability in the otherwise flat probability distribution. 

Plots 5 and 6 show the reduction in parameter errors as a result of the fit.

The remaining plots show the pulls with plots 19,20 and the Table below summarising the
pulls for the twelve fitted track  parameters. The '*' in the Table  indicate significant
deviations of the mean pulls from zero.

                           Mean Pull
Parameter          Data                 MC

Track P           -0.175                0.025
      dx/dz       -0.204               -0.045
      dy/dz        0.099                0.089

Beam  P            0.200               -0.054
      dx/dz        0.543*              -0.147
      dy/dz       -0.135               -0.395*

Gam 1 P            0.001               -0.128
      dx/dz       -0.586*               0.216
      dy/dz        0.152                0.470*

Gam 2 P           -0.050                0.039
      dx/dz       -0.526*               0.203
      dy/dz        0.152                0.405*

Fig. 2 ( 6  plots ) shows the pull distributions
for MC events with fit  probability less than 1%. These plots suggest that the low
probability fits originate from mismeasurement of the gammas.

Fig. 3 ( 6  plots ) shows the corresponding plots 
for data. The lack of statistics make a clear identification of the origin of
the low probability peak difficult although the pulls are consistent with
mismeasurement of the gammas.


1) After error correction, ~95% of data and MC events give
   a 4C fit with the expected flat probability distribution. 

2) The fit probability distribution has  a peak 
   at low probability  that implies that ~5% of the selected  events
   are  incompatible with the assumed K2pi hypothesis.
   For the MC events, the pulls suggest  that these low probability 
   events  result from mismeasurement of the gammas in the LKr.
3) There are indications of systematic errors in reconstruction
   of about half a standard deviation.  For the  data, this is for the
   beam and  gamma dx/dz variables. For the  MC, the systematic effects
   are in  the beam and gamma dy/dz  track parameters
   (see  the variables marked '*' in the above Table).



For reference:

Fig. 2A ( 20 plots ) DATA 4C fit, energy-momentum constrained. Measurement errors uncorrected.

Fig. 2B ( 20 plots ) MC 4C fit, energy-momentum constrained. Measurement errors uncorrected. ~/aplcon see notes 27-29/06/18