Book or cancel a booking

Please make sure you select the right budget. See here for details. The dates booked are inclusive (e.g. a booking for Jan 1-3 will include the nights of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd). For cancellations, you will need the PIN obtained at booking. If you don't have it anymore, please contact Jill. Click dates to navigate month by month, or jump to Jul  Aug  Sep  Oct  Nov  Dec  Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May  Jun  or click the 🔍 below to find your bookings.

DateRoom 1Room 2Room 3
28 June, 2025 / Sat FREE FREE FREE
29 June, 2025 / Sun FREE FREE FREE
30 June, 2025 / Mon FREE FREE FREE
1 July, 2025 / Tue FREE FREE FREE
2 July, 2025 / Wed FREE FREE FREE
3 July, 2025 / Thu FREE FREE FREE
4 July, 2025 / Fri FREE FREE FREE
5 July, 2025 / Sat FREE FREE FREE
6 July, 2025 / Sun FREE FREE FREE
7 July, 2025 / Mon FREE FREE FREE
8 July, 2025 / Tue FREE FREE FREE
9 July, 2025 / Wed FREE FREE FREE
10 July, 2025 / Thu FREE FREE FREE
11 July, 2025 / Fri FREE FREE FREE
12 July, 2025 / Sat FREE FREE FREE
13 July, 2025 / Sun FREE FREE FREE
14 July, 2025 / Mon FREE FREE FREE
15 July, 2025 / Tue FREE FREE FREE
16 July, 2025 / Wed FREE FREE FREE
17 July, 2025 / Thu FREE FREE FREE
18 July, 2025 / Fri FREE FREE FREE
19 July, 2025 / Sat FREE FREE FREE
20 July, 2025 / Sun FREE FREE FREE
21 July, 2025 / Mon FREE FREE FREE
22 July, 2025 / Tue FREE FREE FREE
23 July, 2025 / Wed FREE FREE FREE
24 July, 2025 / Thu FREE FREE FREE
25 July, 2025 / Fri FREE FREE FREE
26 July, 2025 / Sat FREE FREE FREE
27 July, 2025 / Sun FREE FREE FREE
28 July, 2025 / Mon FREE FREE FREE
29 July, 2025 / Tue FREE FREE FREE
30 July, 2025 / Wed FREE FREE FREE
31 July, 2025 / Thu FREE FREE FREE
Select action:Reset Form
Select name*:  and project budget:
*if your name is missing from the list, please ask Jill Borland to add you to the PPE database
Your email address+:(+the confirmation email will be CC-ed to Jill Borland)
Enter access code**:(**same as the building entry access code, ask Jill)
I confirm that I have provided the correct project budget and email address